Planning to elope

 Thinking about an elopement. Here are a few tips to consider:

If you're opting for a no-frills wedding, planning your elopement still deserves a little thought. You need to figure out where to do it, what to wear (important!), how to make it special, and what to do afterwards, while handling all the emotions that come with it. And, of course, you've got to make a plan for telling your family and friends. 

And this is where I can help. I do more than just the legal paperwork.  I work to ensure your day is special and I don't hold back on where I can assist you. That's why I’ve put together a little guide on how to elope - the must-dos, and the most definitely don'ts!, as a sample of my support for couples.

  1. Do It For the Right Reasons

Eloping can be something of a statement in itself, so if you're planning to get married without your friends and family by your side, make sure it's something you really want, and that you're doing it for the right reasons. Saving money, avoiding fuss, keeping things intimate and personal, or avoiding family drama, are all completely valid reasons to elope - just make sure you've thought a lot about your decision, and it's what you both want.

  1. Don't Feel Bad About It

There can be a bit of guilt associated with elopements so this might be easier said than done, but try not to feel bad about your decision - you don't have to justify it to anyone. Of course, some friends and family might be initially disappointed with the idea of not sharing your day with you, but once they get over the shock, chances are, they'll be nothing but chuffed to bits for you. 

  1. Do Have a Reveal Plan

You might want to throw a big party when you get back, and let all your friends know you've eloped, you may want to send out announcement cards, or perhaps you want to quietly tell your nearest and dearest about your good news and leave it at that. However, let people know about your elopement, make a plan. When it comes to parents, siblings and close friends, it's important that they hear the news from you, ideally in person, and not through the grapevine or worse, on social media! Have a bit of a script ready to go - as I said, you don't need to explain yourself, but you both need to be on the same page when it comes to letting friends and family in on your big surprise

  1. Don't Dismiss the Legalities

I've got you covered here. I’ll make sure all the legal stuff is covered - how long you need to register in advance, what ID and paperwork you need to bring, and whether the marriage will be valid in your own jurisdiction. We all have a romantic notion of an impromptu wedding where you just book your flights and say "I Do", but sadly, even the most fanciful gestures require some forethought. Oh, and don't forget to collect your marriage cert before you head back  home!