Why beeswax is best?
100% Australian beeswax ... always. This is one way support Australian beekeepers and share my love of bees. With soo many candles on the market and too many false claims, my aim is to help inform people on their buying choices. Beeswax is the only wax that is natural, sustainable and eco-friendly namely becaise it is made by bees. I have sourced Grade A 100% Australian beeswax sheets for you to roll candles in your choice of size and style. Infused with the sweet scent of honey, these are naturally aromatic, producing a warm golden light and release no toxins. It is a natural, renewal product, no mess, palm oil, paraffin, soy based and no waste.

Production of beeswax.
Once honey is extracted from the honeycomb it is melted, filter out the impurities like dust, poured into honeycomb moulds. If looking to better align your environmental values to your choices, keep in mind the honeycomb sheets are the same sheets beekeepers use for their beehives. Bees won't go near the other candle waxes. This is good indicator when looking for a healthy, natural product. I purchase a bulk of them to make into DIY kits, pillar candles and take on commissions for your functions.
Meet the other waxes.
Parafin is a petroleum by-product containing known carcinogens such as benzene and tulene. While it is a hard wax giving you long burning times and has an attractive price, the same chemicals release from this wax are the same from a car exhaust only, on a much smaller scale.
Stearin candles are another hard, cheap wax, made from animal fat and vegetable oil, commonly palm oil. Ikea sells these and are very popular. However, many people have complained about the smell - not surprise when you know you are burning animal fat. A quick Google search will highlight this.
Soy candles are made from the vegetable oil extracted from the soy bean. The oil goes through a hydrogenerated (chemical) process to convert it to a wax state, like your margarine. Soy wax is a soft wax and is typically blended with parafin, stearin or beeswax for longer buring time or to stand outside a candle jar. The majority of soy bean is grown from GM plants and soy wax was introduce as a cheap alternative when bee colonies were collasping in USA and the cost of beeswax become expensive.
These man-made waxes depend on artifical scents or bleach to remove unpleasant smells and colour from the burning wax. In the end, know what you burn.
Are burning candles bad for your health?
Breathing into too much of any type of smoke is potentially harmful. Make sure your burn any candle in a ventilated room. There is no conclusive evidence to support that on a small scale these candles will impact on your health. Read this article. Be careful when burning a lot of candles, say at a function as part of your table decor. You will do well to have a ventilated space and I recommend beewsax candles which are free from artifical scents and chemicals. And watch out for false claims - there is also no scienific proof that burning candles purifies the air!